Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The pace of updating technologies

With the Beta release of Framework 3.5, Microsoft is boasting of another big achievement.

I do not know about other developers but as I am one of the developer who works on MS technologies is finding it difficult to keep the same pace of updating myself with the new frequent releases. Although MS is bringing a revolutionary change in its own technology but MS should also consider about the users of MS technologies also.

But the good thing is that MS seems to be realized this and they have started providing free session on the upcoming tech releases. However I do not think that this is all what MS can do. They can really give a substantial pause to the new releases so that all the developers like me who are interested in knowing the technology from start to end, will get proper time to update themselves in the existing technologies rather than jumping from one release paper to another. Thanks.

Please post your valuable comments on this.




Soumen said...

For all those who are interested in knowing the framework version differences, please checkout the following links from MSDN:
1) What's New in the .NET Framework Version 3.5:
2) What's New in the .NET Framework Version 3.0:
3) What's New in the .NET Framework Version 2.0:

Keep on posting your views.


Tarun Nigam said...

I am calling a page in my iframe in my web page. After click on sumbit button, updation is done on the databsed(The service provider database)by using my web service.Thru my web service I am updating my Database also for to caputre the tr.Now My problem is that i have to show a succes message after clicking submitt button.My problem is that This submitt button is also on their page.